jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

It's no longer a woman's obligation

Now days, we see in street how men and women talk, eat, see, feel and think in a way totally different.
As history has changed, humans also in an area like stereotypes.
Personally I like most to talk about female and male stereotypes,
Cause the society impulse us to believe that men and women are equal, when we are not.

  • At work men and women are treated very differently, in one side men are better paid than women, and also are more victim of sexual harassment than men.
  • At relationships, it’s no longer a woman’s obligation, protected herself of get pregnant, or neither a shame have sex before married. Men also have to protect from sexual transmit ion disease. Also are more liberal at the time of relationships.
  • The old female stereotype was a woman who stays at home and raised kids, but in present that scene has changed into an independent and worker woman, capable of look after by herself. It’s not anymore an emotional and economic carry of man. She takes her own decisions and lives for her as the individual that is.
In Obstetric this new stereotype fits me, because I want to treat independent women, that in case of violation, I could tell them that they have the rights to do it, to speak with policy, even when her husband was the men how did that.

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