miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

Ideal Job

Yes, I’m sure that many of you guys, when think in their ideal job, came to your minds something like a wanderer in a beach with white sands.

She is Director of a hospital!!

But in my mind my ideal job will be something that I can do with competence as an efficient worker.

In Seven years I want to be a successfully person, with clear golds and values.
If I decided to keep on in this career I will do it with perseverance.

My dreams are set in the fruits of my work, and what I want to do with it, it just something really, really good, for the entire environment and the community.

Someday I will be a very good professional; with my capacities I will help many people.
I will like to choose something related with Neonatology and work in a clinic as maternity director.
Give some classes in University and keeping studying.

The conditions that I need, to work in an Ideal job, it would be a good salary, liberty and confidence to do what I believe its right, and obviously a competent medical group who support me or advice me in the decisions that I will have to made.

I will like to work about six hour per day, to spent time with my family and doing some others things, like go out to theatre, ballet, concerts, parties, etc.
Some benefits are the confidence and free time, but as I want to work like 6 hours per day I think I don’t need that free time in work. I believe that in a job, you go to work, in that way I will try to forget all the things that I have to do, like take care of my kids, how is my husband, etc.

In Santiago I want to work, because is here where are the best clinics and the best universities to work for, and also want to visit rural locations like 4 times at month like some kind of supervising.

Talking about an income I would like a lot, obviously, I don’t want to worry about money.

Who want to work with bad colleagues? Nobody! So My colleagues will be nice and peaceful people.

My patients will be very grateful because all the things that we will do, it will be doing it with love.

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