miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

The end Of my post...

So this is the end. The course of life must continue and with these, the learning of hundred of students and the gold of the teachers that students be better in English, to know how to communicate with other cultures, have the possibility of more knowledge and rise their spirit of research.

How do I get here? I had to do a test so I did it, but my computer was badly damage, I had to do the test with the mouse of over my control tower, and I didn’t do the audio questions because I couldn’t hear it. I believe that if I would it do it, I weren’t be in this level, I firmly think that I would be in and higher level.

But also it was a good option; I didn’t lose anything, only a little bit of time, because works and homework needed.

I enjoy this course; it was very funny and didactic. The only thing that I didn’t like it was recovery a class.

I really think that this help me a lot, because I could speak with my teacher and classmates in a fluid way, cause they were in my level.

One of things that I like most even when I say no... It was posting in a blog. I really enjoy see my blog, with all these post.

To finish, I have to say that English course of University of Chile are really good.
This is my last post. I hope to see you soon. In other level.

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

Ideal Job

Yes, I’m sure that many of you guys, when think in their ideal job, came to your minds something like a wanderer in a beach with white sands.

She is Director of a hospital!!

But in my mind my ideal job will be something that I can do with competence as an efficient worker.

In Seven years I want to be a successfully person, with clear golds and values.
If I decided to keep on in this career I will do it with perseverance.

My dreams are set in the fruits of my work, and what I want to do with it, it just something really, really good, for the entire environment and the community.

Someday I will be a very good professional; with my capacities I will help many people.
I will like to choose something related with Neonatology and work in a clinic as maternity director.
Give some classes in University and keeping studying.

The conditions that I need, to work in an Ideal job, it would be a good salary, liberty and confidence to do what I believe its right, and obviously a competent medical group who support me or advice me in the decisions that I will have to made.

I will like to work about six hour per day, to spent time with my family and doing some others things, like go out to theatre, ballet, concerts, parties, etc.
Some benefits are the confidence and free time, but as I want to work like 6 hours per day I think I don’t need that free time in work. I believe that in a job, you go to work, in that way I will try to forget all the things that I have to do, like take care of my kids, how is my husband, etc.

In Santiago I want to work, because is here where are the best clinics and the best universities to work for, and also want to visit rural locations like 4 times at month like some kind of supervising.

Talking about an income I would like a lot, obviously, I don’t want to worry about money.

Who want to work with bad colleagues? Nobody! So My colleagues will be nice and peaceful people.

My patients will be very grateful because all the things that we will do, it will be doing it with love.

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

My part of the job

I'm studying Obstetrics, so one big part of my role is help people and community to teach more about their sexuality, the prevention of the sexual disease, and unwanted pregnancy in all the women, not only the young and teenager women, also, women who live in poverty.

"...the major source of health improvements—and potential cost savings—for the population will come from prevention rather than the treatment of illness." As I read in an internet source, this is a known truth.

I think that everybody knows its, but not every used it.

The prevention in sexual health, as it is in my case, is so much cheaper in human resources as an economic way, which is why treatment is so expensive.

We as midwife in future should give the tools to the community to prevent and take care by themselves, be committed to educating women and couples about developing a loving relationship with the fetus, preparing for delivery and subsequently care of the babies. Now we are preparing mothers for natural delivery with yoga, and other natural medicine.

In the sexual area, we can tell the couples what kind of protection we as a health program can offer.

In prevention of sexual disease, we have multiples options to protect the community of it.

Now, upon finishing, I would like to send my greetings to the Chilean national football team, for their achieving in World cup in South Africa.

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

It's no longer a woman's obligation

Now days, we see in street how men and women talk, eat, see, feel and think in a way totally different.
As history has changed, humans also in an area like stereotypes.
Personally I like most to talk about female and male stereotypes,
Cause the society impulse us to believe that men and women are equal, when we are not.

  • At work men and women are treated very differently, in one side men are better paid than women, and also are more victim of sexual harassment than men.
  • At relationships, it’s no longer a woman’s obligation, protected herself of get pregnant, or neither a shame have sex before married. Men also have to protect from sexual transmit ion disease. Also are more liberal at the time of relationships.
  • The old female stereotype was a woman who stays at home and raised kids, but in present that scene has changed into an independent and worker woman, capable of look after by herself. It’s not anymore an emotional and economic carry of man. She takes her own decisions and lives for her as the individual that is.
In Obstetric this new stereotype fits me, because I want to treat independent women, that in case of violation, I could tell them that they have the rights to do it, to speak with policy, even when her husband was the men how did that.

miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010


Food, is one of the most important things in the life of humans.

So I, as a human... ¡Yes! obviusly I love the food.

My favorite dish is... Cannelloni, i love them since i tasted it.
But I don't liken pork. Well, it's not that I don't liked it, but i haven't eated for 5 years.

In Santiago, it most be many places, were served this food, Cannelloni, but i haven't eat it here in Santiago.

No, I don't feel guilty when I eat, I suppossed, it most be the worse thing in the world. The food its wonderfull, so why should I feel guilty about it? no way.

I don't know If I have to eat a food especially for students. I only eat the food from the casino, and it taste like hospital's food. While I'm reading and searching I found that in times of exams, we shoul eat vegetables, because it will make us feel better in classes.

In another way, there is the bad food, the enemy, and the winner of all the battles between mother and son... FAST FOOD.

it's universally acknowledged that... fast food it is THE enemy of health, you will not die for eat at Mcdonals, but if you do it frecuently, it might be one of the worse things that you could do to your body.

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

The Midwife

This is an important career, as we see in class, is one of the oldest career in the world, since birth is birth, always existed a woman who support another woman, as a midwife, our work is very exhausted, and it works forever and ever, always will existed birth, as a natural process, so we will have a lot of work.

These expectations come from the nature dessire of service, I always want it to give something to people, so this is a good way to exchange my hand, and work a the public service.

I want to change the way the people, saw these career and the way the births are treat in this country.
In the beginning I decided to choose this career cause my mother always told me that this was a great career for me , so i decided that she was right.

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

Michelle Sadler

I think she is the person that I admire.

She is an social anthropologist had a master in medical anthropologist in Oxford University and subdirector of the center interdisciplinary of studies of gender.

She also was choose as chiliean lider in the category of medical anthropologist in 2006 by the magazine "Sabado" of Mercurio.

She had published several notes and works like in:

National magazines:

Sadler, Michelle. “¿What is the cultural in the epidemiology cultural?”, in Magazine of Interdisciplinary studies Asosylff N°1, Universidad de Chile, 2006, pp.91-100.

Sadler, Michelle. “The birth as a medical event”, in Revista Werkén N°2, Universidad de Chile – Departament of Anthropologist, Lom Editions, November 2001, Santiago of Chile, pp. 113-124.

International magazines:

Sadler, Michelle. “A Comparison of Childbirth Practices in Japan and Chile”. En: The Sylff Newsletter, N° 9. Japan: The Japan Times. Junio 2004, pp. 1-3. http://www.tkfd.or.jp/eng/division/fellowship/sylff/newsletter/pdf/no9_all.pdf

etc, etc.

I like her because she made me love the career, showing in classes the beautiful things that can happend in this profession. Showing the changes that I as obstetric can make and the impact that I can produce in the lives of many others, like the mother, the baby, the husband, the grandparents, the brothers and sister, and all the society that envolve the birth.

miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

My Hobbies

My favorite hobbies was ballet, I've doing since I was 4 but the last year I had to stop it.

Yes, the most beautiful thing in the world, it's now in the end of my dark box. My favorite dancers are Svetlana Zakharova, Roberto Bolle, Polina Semionova, Margot Fonteyn, Rudolf Nureyev, Michael Barishnikov, Natalia Osipova, from the ballet of santiago, I like the line of Natalia Berrios, and Andrea Randisek, Maite Ramirez .

Now in the University I'm doing a CFG of drama. It's the most similar that I found.

So I'm doing it. I think that helped me a lot, because for be a ballerina you had to be very disciplined, and that works for everything. I think that is a good think, the discipline.

I miss it, a LOT. There is nothing else to say.

Another hobbies that I have is, listen music, a LOT again... yes, and I like to find new music.

My boyfriend and, both like VERY MUCH heard strange bands and classical music, my favorites composers are Phillip Glass, Yann Tiersen, Dario Marianelli, Debussy, Rachmaninov, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Erik Satie, Chopin, etc and now I'm listen Shoegazing.

Also I like to walk in a park near to my house, it is very nice, it's very agreeable. also I like go to concerts all alone. I love go alone to that kind of things. I think it's better, you leave all the stress that you have forgetting all the people, and problems around you. It's the most relaxing hobbie that I have with the ballet, and ballet music.

miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010


It was very strange to see it from so far, because it's more common to that happend here in the north.

When my mom woke me up that night to tell me what was happend it felt like a lie.

That things never happend, How in Santiago?! ¡those things do not happen!

So it took me a little while to process the news.
Here in Iquique I had a friend who is from Santiago spending the holidays here, but for that weekend she went to Pica, a little town, so we had to call her and tell her the bad news.

Besides her, we as a family had a friend family in Constitución, which was struck by waves from the tsunami, suffered some of the heaviest damage. So we sent many things, like clothes, food, shoes, candles, etc.
About that expierence all we have to learn is to protect ourselves, stay close with the family, and support our country.

miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010

Who I am?

Well, Jane Austen, me, has 18 and is studying Obstetric in University of Chile, obviously this Jane Austen is chilian :D, Ok, I know that i have a huuuuugeeeeeee imagination but, it's my blog so I can write what I want.

Well, continue with the subject of me, a so egocentric theme, I come from Iquique, 1st region.
I love Jane Austen, an english writer as you can read by my pseudonym.

From this blog I send you a lot of good things, even if I don't know you, thanks for reading this simply post, I hope I amuse you with my other posts, I'm crossing fingers for the next theme to be more funny.

With Love, Jane Austen.